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Chapter 1: Setting Sail ⛵

Early Life & Influences

I was always an excellent student from the time I was young, enjoying both school and playing outside. I can still clearly recall the day, probably in grade 4, when I honestly forgot to bring my school bag.Even though I was skinny at the time, no one could ever bully me because I became extremely angry at the slightest provocation.If someone had asked me then what I wanted to become, I would have said either scientist or pilot, since at that time I was only aware of these two careers😂.


My parents have always encouraged and supported me in all that I have done, whether it be academically or athletically. I enjoy skating in addition to being somewhat good at cricket.

Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
Rudra's childhood
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Chapter 2: College Life🎓

airport arena winners

Study, Travel, Gossips...

Well, it was all a coincidence that all of us first got to know each other while initially attending different colleges and classrooms.I was running my startup and living in a hostel at the time, and the other guys were involved in various activities as well. We all had similar interests and, most importantly, the same vibe. we had an incredible time in our initial years of college, filled with endless gossip and fun. These guys also pushed me to my limits and were always there for me. Together, we have achieved great academic success and have traveled to many places, seen a ton of movies, and explored various cafes across the cities.I still laugh at those drive-through karaoke sessions.

Chapter 3: Facing the Currents 🌊

Challenges & Breakthroughs

I was tremendously saddened by the closure of the company I started, which was entirely my fault. I also experienced occasional depression and didn't accomplish any new work during this time because it affected me so much.I don't remember much from that period of time since I was always overthinking and trying to hide my sadness from others by wearing a fake smile.


I gradually came to terms with the phase, moved on, and began learning more about my field. I discovered that Python was a fascinating language to learn, and I then explored into the world of artificial intelligence. All of these things keep me incredibly excited, and I was eagerly picking up new skills practically every day.


Chapter 4: Finding the Trade Winds 💨

Skating Time

Passions & Interests

During this stage, something amazing occurs, and I have the opportunity to study and visit Toronto with friends. This is a pivotal period in my life. And it was during this stage that I discovered my true passions and hobbies and had a completely new outlook on life and all of its possibilities.

Soon after returning from my vacation, I began to live a better life, take life more seriously, discover many new interests within myself, begin journaling, investing, and learning about neural networks, among many other things. I also began to take my health more seriously, joining a gym and picking up skating again. and as of right now, I'm doing well overall.

Chapter 5: Uncharted Waters 🌊


To be continued....

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