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  • Writer's pictureRudra Patel

Let's Talk About My Failures

While everyone over internet is talking about their accomplishments, let me tell you about my failures and what I learned from them, as well as why you should avoid making the same mistakes. . . Hello there! My Name is RUDRA and I'm the Founder of Massivekingdoms Technologies Private Limited, which was previously known as , Which is an e-commerce store that sells a variety of unique things in many categories. . . When I was around 17, I started my own online e-commerce store, I was very interested in entrepreneurship and always wanted to do something on my own. With the assistance of my parents, I was able to bootstrap my business and formally register it as Legal Entity - MassiveKingdoms Technologies Pvt Ltd in 2020, and everything was going well up until this point. . . By battling over various products and social media ad sets, I was able to get my first sales, as well as my first earnings, which is around 104$ basically I dropship the product from China to the USA, which was also my target market, all from India. However, by December 2020, when businesses started to reopen as the world was getting back to normal again, the cost of the ads had increased, and my sales got zero by that time. I ran advertisements for roughly 4-5 months before I ran out of money because I used to run 600-800 INR/Day advertisements across different platforms like-Facebook and Google Shopping ads, and by the time I lost interest in continuing the firm also lost money I have leftover with. . . At this point(Sept-2022) I have already submitted the company's strike-off applications to the ministry of corporate affairs of India. . . Lessons I've Learned🗒: ➡️ Never Follow Profits, They May Come Early, But They Never Last Long! ➡️ Rather than promoting what the market doesn't need, concentrate more on what the market needs and conduct some research into it! . . Sometimes failing is okay because, although it may seem like failure to many, failing has taught me many valuable skills🚀 For example, I now know how to set up Facebook ads, Google Shopping ads, social media post management, product searching, some basic legality, website design, managing SKUs and orders, search engine optimization and many other things.

:) #failure#learned#founder#enterpreneur

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